Monday, February 25 - Move your feet

How many of us are willing to step out of our comfort zone and let God guide our footsteps?

I looked around at our team as we ventured out into the village of Boca Colorado, Peru and felt proud to be a part of God’s great commission. To some, it may look like we’re just there to meet the basic needs of the people. But this was so much more. We were there to bless others; tell others about Jesus and let God do the rest.

Our team was a mixture of men and women of various backgrounds, but there’s one thing we all had in common. We were willing to let go of any hurts, pain, doubts or fears and let God guide us this week.

We started the day with a devotion from one of the team members. The rain started early in the morning that day, and didn’t let up until well after 9:00 a.m. With just a little delay, we saw a small clearing in the skies and headed back to the school. Thinking the rain may deter some people, we started setting things up, and then they came. It was possibly the busiest day we had. Some had also traveled far that day.

What amazed me about the people of Peru was that they were never in a hurry. They didn’t huff and puff because they had to wait several minutes to see us. And when we asked if they would like to have prayer, no one turned it down.

Be willing to step out of your comfort zone today and give someone your time. Give them a smile. Give them a hug.

Proverbs 3:5-6 - “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”

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