About Dianne

Dianne has been journaling throughout her adult life, adding blogging in the last few years.

This is her first published book and she is determined to continue writing, revealing her humanness, on her journey with God.

Writing Mission Possible allowed her to expose her spiritual maturity as her dependence on God increased.  She shares how she trusted in God, looking to Him for purpose and perspective instead of comfort and convenience, and how God’s goodness and grace are always there in every circumstance.

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Although rebellious after losing her dad at the age of ten, her mother never gave up on Dianne, and was an unwavering and steady Christian influence. 

Dianne will tell you that life as a Christian is not always easy, but the blessings and miracles along the way are worth every heartache, disappointment or tragedy in life.

Her first mission trip, and the journey to get there, gave Dianne a determination to live out the life of a Christian as God commands; to be His hands and feet.

She knows that enjoying a relationship with God, being confident of where she’s spending eternity, and living in day-to-day fellowship with Him is far greater than any opposition she may face.


Watch how one mission trip can change a person’s life