When will my problems end?

We all face challenges every day. No one is exempt from problems. Even a toddler has an issue every now and then when they don’t get their way. Many times these problems can manifest anxiety, anger, depression or worse, suicide.

When I became a Christian as a teenager, I can remember thinking maybe I will have less trouble in my life. I was so wrong. It took many many years to realize why. It says in the Bible that we will have troubles but not to worry. There is a God who loves me, cares for me and is there for me, not to solve my problems, but to listen.

We live in a sinful world and there will always be problems. It’s how we deal with them; how we respond that will show our true character.

Jesus asks us to bring our concerns to Him and He will give us rest. He will not necessarily give us the answers, but we can rest in knowing that HE’S GOT THIS!

Today I know that whatever challenges come upon me, I can just say a little prayer of ‘God help me,’ knowing He hears me and He cares about the situation.

One day soon Jesus is coming back for His children (those who have given their life to Him) and He will take them home to Heaven where there will be NO MORE PROBLEMS, no more anxiety, depression, etc. No more sin!

Choose to follow Jesus today! It’s a ‘win-win'.’

Matthew 11:28 - “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

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