Give hope.

Did you know that you can’t give something away that you don’t already possess. This is also true with hope.

Encouraging others is a gift from God that I inspire others to achieve.

A Christian’s hope isn’t an escape or wishful thinking, as C.S. Lewis says, but something that a Christian is meant to do.”

Can you have hope, but not faith? In God you can’t. Faith to a Christian is believing that God does what He says He will do. Hope is the forethought of that faith.

I can hope that someone in my family will be saved, but if I don’t have faith that God will speak to that person, then my faith is dead and all hope is lost.

Hope is a large part of my prayers. God knows the desires of my heart and the things I hope for. It’s because of my faith in Him and His record of past blessings that my hope is alive today.

Faith is what a person trusts to be true. Hope is what a person expects to happen.

Got hope? Give hope to those in need, those who are suffering today. Tell them who the great Hope is in your life.

Hebrews 11:1 - “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

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