How can you be comfortable in not knowing?

You don’t have to know the answers to every problem you have.

Take yourself off the throne and put God back on. God is the head of your life if you’ve surrendered your life to Him. So, if you did give your life to Him, why are we constantly trying to take it back?

I’ll admit, sometimes I worry about things that I typically don’t even have control of in the first place. I play the scenarios in my mind, wondering if I do this, the maybe this will happen.

In the spiritual realm it’s ok in not knowing what’s going to happen.

Next time this happens to you, try to stop worrying and start thanking God for lining things up; thank Him for fighting our battles.

God’s ways are always better than anything we could dream up.

Don’t get discouraged when you can’t figure things out. You don’t know what God is up to.

Things will start to happen out of the ordinary. That’s why you don’t see it now. God’s ways are always supernatural, far better and higher than we can accomplish.

Get comfortable. Trust God with the unknown.

Isaiah 55:8 - “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.”

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