He gives us everything we need.

God’s Word (the Bible) is a gift from God to His followers. Without it, we would be walking around in the dark, trying to figure out how to please God. The Bible is our guidebook to life.

Do you understand what ‘forgiveness of sins’ is? God is the only one that has the power and authority to forgive you for every sin you committed, and He does this through His son, Jesus.

We should be thankful that God gives us everything we need to survive this life, but more importantly, He gives us the tools we need to be a Christian.

Acknowledging God and giving your life to Him allows God to equip you for this journey called life.

A need is defined as, “require something because it is essential or very important.” A want is defined as, “having a desire to possess or do something; wish for.”

I can want something to change in my life, but if it’s not something in God’s plan for me, I may not get it. God already knows what you need before you ask Him.

Here’s just to name a few things that God gives me daily:

Wisdom, courage, peace, faith, comfort, love, healing, strength.

God knows what we need for every season of our life. But, this requires faith. These things are only given to those who have this kind of faith.

Do you have everything you need today? Ask God.

Philippians 4:19 - “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

Dianne PetreyComment
He's after our heart, not just our obedience.

I remember a time before I was saved when I thought, “why would I want to give my life to Jesus and have to follow all His rules?”

It’s a thinking most people (especially the younger generation) probably contemplate.

But following Jesus is not viewed as following rules as an undertaking.

First, Christ is after our heart. Since He knows all things, He not only knows your hearts, but your desires and fears.

When we come to Christ with everything we have and surrender it to Him, something happens. We start desiring different things. We want to serve Him and others. We want to give our time and resources.

It’s a dangerous move to tell someone you’ve given your life to Christ, when your heart is not in it.

Life as a Christian is not easy sometimes, but it is so worth it.

The joy of answered prayers of life long dreams is unimaginable.

Are you ready to surrender your heart to Jesus today? As Christians, we can say that we believe in Jesus and His Word, but if our actions don’t demonstrate obedience, then others are going to question us.

Live out God’s word in your daily life. He wants your heart, along with your obedience to Him.

Psalm 37:4 - “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

Dianne PetreyComment
Judge not.

There will always be a right way to mend a wrong. Since Adam and Eve, sin has been a part of our existence. No one can escape sin, we’re all born into it.

Most sin is invisible. You may get away with telling a lie or coveting something you don’t have, but all sin is punishable. Sin is a debt and it must be paid back.

That’s why we have judges and juries. Judges are appointed to courts to be the ultimate decision maker.

You can’t deny that you have judged others. In your mind you may think he/she is guilty. And even though that may be true, we have no right to place judgment on another person.

Matthew 5:38-39 - “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.”

Judgment is coming some day, to all of us. If you give your life to Christ before then, your sin debt has already been settled. Judgment has already been paid.

Jesus paid for every sin for every person, past, present and future sins.

The sin of judgment is often rooted in insecurity and pride.

Who are you judging today? God judges the heart. Let Him be the Judge.

Dianne PetreyComment
Fear magnifies the enemy.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.“ This was a familiar saying in elementary school that really made no sense.

It is a bold statement but definitely not a true one.

A person’s harsh words can crush your spirit with one word. It wasn’t called bullying back in the ‘70’s. It was just teasing, and most people overlooked it as playing around.

It’s been said that ‘hurt people, hurt people.’ My heart goes out to the broken, those who have been wounded themselves and feel the need to hurt others.

But, this is what satan wants. He’s out to destroy our plans and steal our joy. Thank God I serve a savior who is way ahead of the devil’s schemes.

God asks us to ‘overcome evil with good.’ I’ll admit, it’s one of the hardest things to do in life.

To repay evil with evil is to immediately lose the battle to evil. The only way to defeat evil is by doing good to the one who has done you harm.

Don’t get revenge and don’t give into fear. This is not your battle.

Pray for the broken.

Romans 12:21 - “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

Dianne PetreyComment
Abundant blessings.

Did you know that God loves blessing His people.

If you’re a parent, you know the feeling of giving your kids things and the joy it brings. Or a friend that loves giving to others.

Imagine this on a greater scale as God blesses His children, even when they don’t deserve it.

But these blessings come with a price. That price has already been paid by Christ, for all of our past and future sins. God sent His only Son to come to earth and die for each one of us.

Grace is a gift we don’t deserve, while mercy is not getting the punishment we do deserve.

It doesn’t start until you say yes. Until you abandon your old life and surrender to God’s plan for your life, you’re missing out on God’s abundant blessings.

Hebrews 4:16 - “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence,so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

Dianne PetreyComment
He's in our boat.

There are so many different types of boats. Fishing boats, speed boats, canoes, cruise liners, the list goes on.

Boats are centuries old and has been a mode of transportation since the days of Jesus. He used a boat to get to different locations. We use them today for travel, sport and leisure.

Aren’t we all in the same boat these days? The virus that swept the world still lingers. This is one boat that I’m ready to depart.

Life can change in a moment. Just a year ago, I was making plans to go on another mission trip, and then those plans were put on hold.

Most of us had a similar outlook with a different future in mind. I’ll admit that I tried to get out of the boat and swim ahead with my own plans.

But knowing that Jesus is in the boat with me and has brought me through some tumultuous waters before, I stayed in the boat and He’s brought me to the other side. Hurt but not beaten, changed but not lost.

Stop trying to swim against the currents of life and take hold of Jesus, who has walked on water and who has promised a future where there will be no more plagues, pain or heartache.

He’s in the boat. Are you ready to get in?

Mark 4:40-41 - “He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”

Dianne PetreyComment

Disconnectedness is defined as ‘not connected, separate.’

A year ago, our routines changed, plans re-arranged. 2020 detached us from our individual existence.

Yet, those of us who are Christians stand unshaken. We haven’t walked away unscathed, but we were escorted through with our God, who is consistent and unchanging.

When people got sick, we prayed. When people died, we prayed. We prayed and still pray for those who risk their own lives to save the sick and dying.

2020 touched and changed all of us. I prayed more, while others rebelled and got lost in reality and depression. The internet suddenly replaced face-to-face conversations. Loved ones were left alone in the hospitals and nursing homes to suffer and die alone.

Instead of being detached from life, get attached to the unchanging God that created us.

The past is behind us. Join me in thanking God for getting us through a hard year and having hope for tomorrow.

Look around you, God is your refuge in times of trouble.

Psalm 142:4-5 - “Look and see, there is no one at my right hand; no one is concerned for me. I have no refuge; no one cares for my life. I cry to you, Lord; I say, “You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.”

Dianne PetreyComment

Have you ever been lost, turned around to where you didn’t know which way to go?

My husband and I were hiking in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee several years ago. We miscalculated our journey and ended up hiking in the dark.

With only head lamp we stepped slowly down the dark mountain.

At one point my husband stopped and said, “we’re off the trail.”

I had no idea, I was just following him.

Isn’t this just like life as a Christian at times? We are moving along, thinking we’re doing ok, then suddenly we realize we’re heading down the wrong path.

God has proved all throughout the Bible that He will meet us where we are and turn us in the right direction.

Even in their complaining, God brought the people out of Egypt into the land He promised them.

And He’s here to do that for you and me today.

Look for God in the wilderness. When you can’t see what’s up ahead, turn to Him for guidance.

Ezekiel 34:25 - “I will make a covenant of peace with them and rid the land of savage beasts so that they may live in the wilderness and sleep in the forests in safety.”

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