Life as a cruise ship.

When I was saved I knew little about how to navigate through this journey. I realized that I was made for a purpose and once I accepted Christ into my life, I knew that I would never be the same.

I also had the assumption that life would get a little easier, maybe even trouble free. But as we who are Christians know that's far from the truth. I was hoping for more of a cruise like experience but didn’t realize that it has been more of a battleship adventure.

But that’s ok. That’s what we that are Christians are made for; that’s what we’re equipped to do. The battle rages on in our everyday lives, yet we press on. We know the goal, the prize of reaching the end.

It’s what we do on the battlefield that counts. Let’s give God all we have each and every day.

Stop expecting being catered to and get out there and fight the war that’s raging around us.

Let’s be the biggest and best battleship God ever created, for His glory, not our own.

1 Timothy 6:18 - “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.”

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